a String of Tears succulent in a black ceramic pot




“Having a relaxed, causal manner”
“a laid-back fisherman, he didn’t really care if he caught anything, being content to relax and enjoy the sunshine”

If this sounds like you then this is the plant for you. Curio Herreanus, was historically known as Senecio Herreianus (mention this to impress your friends). This succulent is commonly known as the string of beads after its creeping stems and interesting spherical, pea-like foliage with slightly pointed tips. It is a close relative of Senecio Rowleyanus (String of Pearls Plant) and Senecio Radicans (String of Bananas Plant).

This breezy, devil-may-care beauty makes the perfect gift for that friend who cannot even keep a succulent alive.

Here’s what to do:

  • Click to purchase 
  • Give it lots of natural light, but not direct sunlight (It loves East and West facing sunny window sills)
  • Don’t over-water but also make sure it does not go completely dry for any extended period of time.
  • As mentioned above, your String of Beads will do best in partial shade or indirect bright light rather than in the full direct sunlight.
  • As a houseplant, it does well in an east-facing or west-facing sunny windows.
  • If you’re growing the plant outdoors, you should bring it in before the cold months of winter.
  • Alternately, if you’re growing this amazing succulent as a groundcover, take cuttings to keep indoor plants as houseplants and return them to the outdoors when winter is over.
  • These succulents are adapted to live in fairly arid environments and are thus able to store water in their stems and leaves for extended periods of time. Don’t assume, though, that you can just leave this beauty dry.
  • Do allow the soil to dry out between watering.
  • Do not over-water or allow the plants to sit in water.
Tips & More:
  • This happy-go-lucky plant is easy to grow indoors, if outdoors though, bring it indoors before cold spells.
  • In the wild, when trailing stems touch the ground they tend to root and form dense mats.
  • Young kids or pets? You should know that this succulent is considered to be somewhat toxic.
  • Scented blooms may appear during the Summer; these are trumpet-shaped, white and may have colourful stems. Count yourself lucky and take lots of photos!
  • Fertilize your String of Beads once a year during the summer. Click to buy now. Use a weak solution of a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer.


Click to buy now & your plant should arrive within 2 days. 


Soil Mix:

The String of Beads likes a dry, loamy, sandy, or gravelly soil with a neutral pH level. A sharply draining succulent soil or cactus mix is a good choice.
As with any succulent or cactus, always use containers with ample drainage holes.

This is what your healthy plant should look like:

Let’s keep your plants alive! Get in touch….

Contact me on cloudshillsucculents@gmail.com and feel free to forward a picture of your succulent.
I am committed to assist you to the best of my ability.


Click to buy now & your plant should arrive within 2 days. 

Help! Something is wrong..

I’m Sunburnt

Sunburnt String of Beads plant

The top beads look white and the skin is dry. This could happen if your plant caught too much direct sunlight whilst being dry. Don’t worry too much though, even though the ‘burnt’ beads are unlikely to recover, moving it into a position with more shade and watering it more frequently will limit further damage.

I’m Thirsty

a picture of a dry String of Beads plant

The beads look dim and when lifted, the pot feels light. Your plant has stopped growing and is in survival mode. But these hardy succulents have adapted to survive long stretches without water, so give it a sip of water and it will swiftly return to a healthy state.

Did you know; this is the state plants usually arrive in when posted by mail because succulents tend to take the transit better if kept dry and hibernating.

I have a Fungal Infection

a Fungal infected String of Beads plant

Fungal infections appear on plants that are weak, often due to overwatering or when kept in low light or with bad ventilation. Help your plat. To recover by:

– Removing all damaged growth.
– If the plant has been overwatered, repot into new soil mix.
– Spray with a standard garden fungicide.
– Move to a position with strong but not direct light and good ventilation.

 NOTICE: Our last dispatch day before Christmas is 19/12/2023. We will start dispatching orders again at the 3/1/2024.